Animal Friendly Church
St Augustines church has recently been accepted for registration with the Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals (ASWA) as an animal friendly church. This recognises the value we give to the contribution and needs of animals which is reflected in the life and witness of our church community. We aim to promote a compassionate attitude towards all God’s creation and creatures, we have a duty of care as Christians to look after, nurture, protect and not exploit God’s created order.
We have made a promise to uphold the ethos and standards set out by ASWA which includes-
- Using certified animal welfare marked food products
- Offering a vegetarian option at any meals
- Using cruelty free cleaning and household products in church
- Providing bug ,hedgehog etc hotels in the garden
- Having bee and butterfly friendly plants in the church garden
- Not using harmful pesticides
- Including animals and animal welfare in our weekly prayers
- Having a pet service annually
- Having an animal charity we can support
We are very proud to be part of this important initiative and working alongside the Eco team we are really helping Gods beautiful creation.
If you would like to know more about our animal friendly church or ASWA please do contact Maria (sash.parishoffice@gmail.com) or check the website www.aswa.org.uk.