Jasmine’s thoughts on recycling tea leaves!

There’s no denying Church wouldn’t run quite as efficiently without the humble cuppa!  We recycle materials to give them a new purpose including composting tea bags and coffee grounds.


I tear the bags open to air dry the used tea leaves which are eco-friendly and biodegradable. The leaves contain various elements that effect plants and tea contains tannic acid to enrich the soil and deter pests, I’ve already noticed fewer slugs in 4 weeks and my plants are thriving.

If you have little or no outdoor space, try planting your seeds in the tea leaves if you don’t have soil. Mulch the leaves to give a loose covering and spread across the soil.


For example, dyeing materials: simmer the used leaves in water to give a natural dye for wood stain, paper or fabrics.  Simply boil used tea leaves and strain the liquid and use as a dye.

Happy gardening and crafting!




