The School Altar

Jenny writes:

We all wanted to say thank you to the children and the school for such a lot of help when we needed a place to meet while the floor was being mended at our church building. 

Every week our church would meet up in the school hall on a Sunday and use the dining trolley as our Altar!

When we got back to our own building, we asked the children how we could thank them and they decided that they would like their own actual Altar for their collective worship (Assemblies)

So several of us met up with the school council to find out what sort of design they might like. They wanted the names of their classes, their school values, a space for star of the week and they wanted it on wheels. They are very environmentally aware too, so they wanted it to be made from reclaimed materials. Also they asked for something with the school colours (yellow and green). The children drew out some ideas to help us think creatively… they have great imaginations!

So we made their Altar from a lovely old Oak table (thank you to St Peter and St James charity shop!). We cut the square table to form an Altar shape, with a lovely curved S shape to the top, we routed out the class names and matching leaf shape and filled them with bright yellow Jesmonite. The same material runs through the S, making a river of gold across the top.

School values and star of the week sit on top of the Altar and we hope that the children really like their new environmentally friendly Altar, just for them!

Above: Jenny explains the story of the altar to Beverley.

Below: Jenny working on the altar. The “river of gold” has been filled with Jesmonite but not yet sanded off.



